Social landlords have been invited to bid for grants under a £10m fund to help ensure tenants know how to get free ‘smart’ gas and electricity meters installed in their homes.

The government has a target of ensuring every household in Britain is offered a new meter free of charge by 2020 and is requiring energy providers to install them. The meters provide real-time information on how much a household is spending on gas and electricity.

However, a £10m fund has been made available for non-profit organisations, including social landlords, to raise awareness of the scheme and reach people who “may face barriers to getting a smart meter”. This could include people with learning disabilities, non-English speakers, those with low literacy or no internet access.

The fund has been launched by Smart Energy GB, an independent organisation tasked with overseeing the government’s roll-out of smart meters.

Grants of up to £10,000 are now available for smaller community organisations. Larger grants of between £10,000 and £25,000 will be available for larger non-profit organisations from 6 June. For more information, click here.