
Scrutiny and Empowerment Partners Ltd (SEP) is owned by Yvonne Davies. It is a partnership with landlords and their tenants to develop and sustain excellent tenant scrutiny and empowerment arrangements. Yvonne is an experienced consultant and former Head of Housing & Economic Development at the Audit Commission and Managing Director of a Liverpool HA. She wants to support tenants and landlords meet and exceed the expectations of customers.

SEP offers a comprehensive range of services and tools to help tenants and landlords achieve excellence across all services. We are experienced in service review and we can build the capacity of your staff and tenants in a way that promises to challenge the way you work as well as delivering practical outcomes for landlords and customers.

Our products and services are always tailored to suit the context of the organisation we work with, we know that one size does not fit all and so we will work with you to develop a brief that meets your needs.