The regulator will be given more power in the government’s upcoming social housing green paper, according to housing minister Dominic Raab when he spoke to the CIH conference in Manchester last week. Mr Raab said the social housing green paper will shine the spotlight on ‘some of the deeper failures in social housing’.
He said: ‘Our social housing green paper, which we intend to publish next month, will set out our plans to ensure everyone in social housing gets fair and decent treatment. We will look to strengthen the role of the regulator, to give it more teeth. But ultimately, what we really want to empower residents as consumers, with clearer expectations of the treatment and service they are entitled to, And with the voice and ability to meaningfully hold landlords to account.’
Mr Raab suggested that the paper would help to restore public trust in building safety, drive innovation and reform in the private and social housing sectors, and facilitate home ownership.