SEP is working with the NHC on the 2nd Annual Conference, which will be in York on 18th October.

The full programme is now out and the discounted bookings are available if you book before 7th September  (its £20 off per person)

This time, we have plenary speakers like the Housing Ombudsman on how they will work with Designated Persons; the HCA on the Economic Standards; the  up and coming changes to Welfare Reform and Health and the lessons from Tenant Cashback.

You also get to choose from 14 excellent workshops, run by tenants and their landlord on a variety of subjects from staring to scrutinise; supporting you to improve on scrutiny; Scrutining in large and in rural orgganisations and scrutinising popular subjects where you might get some tips from speaking to thsoe who are already doing voids; grouns manintenants etc etc. You can also find out how to run a cross landlord complaints panel and more about Value for Money. You can attend 3 of these. 

Here is a link to the flyer and full programme with  booking details, see you there:

2nd Tenant Panel Annual Conference Final Flyer

2nd Annual Tenant Panel Conference Brief – Final speakers and programme