This white paper, ‘Putting victims first – more effective responses to antisocial behaviour’, sets out the government’s plans to deliver on the commitment to introduce more effective measures to tackle antisocial behaviour.

The white paper (Opens in a new window) also puts these plans in the wider context of reforms to the policing and criminal justice landscape and work to turn round the lives of the most troubled families.

The trade body in housing the Chartered Institute of Housing feel the plans to streamline existing ASB powers will support landlords and partner agencies in managing unacceptable behaviour within communities, thereby reducing costs and time spent waiting for court hearings.

Most relevant is the introduction of the Crime Prevention Injunction (CPI), which replaces the Anti Social Behaviour Order (ASBO). 

The proposal offer landlords an alternative route to possession, which will reduces the burden on victims to give evidence in different court cases and avoid waiting months – sometimes years until the perpetrator is evicted.