Social Housing Fraud Consultation

Social housing is an extremely valuable asset. It provides millions of people with a stable, low cost home to help them get on with their lives. For those same reasons it is also in much demand. With 1.8m households on the waiting list, it is vital not only that each social home goes to a household who needs it, but also that it continues to be occupied by the household to whom it was given.

Unfortunately, a small minority of tenants try to cheat the system. Whether it be through subletting a home they have been allocated, often making a large profit in the process, or lying about their circumstances to get an allocation in the first place, their abuse of social housing not only deprives of a settled home those in genuine need who play by the rules, it also comes at a considerable cost to the taxpayer. The National Fraud Authority estimates thatm tenancy fraud costs around £900m per year. are being unlawfully occupied – to house those who have effectively bee

So why not comment on the consultation paper from the government?

displaced by tenancy fraudsters – would cost several billion pounds.