This paper is a collaboration between the Centre for Public Scrutiny and the National Housing Federation, and asks how best to achieve our sector ambition – to be among the most trusted and accountable organisations in the country.
The NHF wesbite states:
“Our sector has an ambition to be among the most trusted and accountable organisations in the country. At the heart of this ambition is our commitment to openness and transparency. We want to ensure that each and every one of our tenants is clear on what they can expect from their landlord and what they can do when their expectations are not met.
This discussion paper sets out the work we have carried out to consider how best to achieve this, and recommends steps to introduce a new transparency principle to the housing association Code of Governance and develop a sector-wide charter.
This paper is a collaboration between the Federation and the Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS) and is structured into seven sections:
- the purpose of this discussion paper
- the nature of the challenge
- what we are trying to achieve
- how to bring about change
- what could be included in a charter
- how we can encourage and embed change
- conclusion and next steps.
We want your feedback on this paper. It includes ten questions in total and we ask that you either respond to them via our online survey or email your feedback to You can answer all or some of the questions, but we ask that you do so before 5 September 2018″.
Here is the Discussion Paper: