Just two months since the publication of the Tenant Services Authority’s revised regulatory framework document the Cabinet Office has launched a Housing and Construction Red Tape Challenge theme.

Communities Minister  Baroness Hanham is asking members of the public and interested parties such as builders, businesses, homeowners, tenants and landlords to look through housing and construction regulations and see how the system can be simplified.

Some of the questions include:

Baroness Hanham said:

“For years builders, businesses, landlords and residents have had to navigate an increasingly complicated set of rules and regulations to do things by the book. Now we’re giving them the chance to tell us what they would like us to change so that building a new home or property is a smoother ride.”

The housing and construction theme seeks to ensure that the systems behind the regulatory framework will run in the most effective and light
touch way, whilst maintaining the necessary safeguards, and ensuring that the sector continues to provide high-quality homes. It has been broken down into four areas:

The closing date for responses is 16 February 2012.