The Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) have issued a consultation paper on a new set of directions to the Tenant Services Authority (TSA).


The key proposals set out by the DCLG cover proposed changes to the national standards relating to tenure, mutual exchanges and tenant involvement.


In terms of tenant involvement and empowerment, it is proposed that the regulator amends the existing standard to include a clear expectation that tenants are able to scrutinise social housing landlords performance and that landlords should welcome scrutiny by a tenant panel (or equivalent group). The draft direction relating to the involvement and empowerment standard also covers the proposed Tenant Cashback initiative, which would allow tenants to be involved in commissioning or carrying out routine repairs.


The DCLG also proposes that the regulator amends the existing standard on tenancy to allow for the use of fixed term tenancies and requiring landlords to publish a clear tenancy policy setting out:


It is proposed that the regulator issues a standard relating to mutual exchanges, which would require landlords to subscribe to an online mutual exchange service, publicise the service and provide support for tenants who do not have access to the internet.

Their proposals also include minor changes to the national standards on rents and quality of accommodation.


You can download a copy of the full report at


DCLG is inviting views on the questions listed in the commentary section within the consultation document and on the draft directions by 29th September 2011.


Yvonne and Linda will be issuing a briefing note shortly on the proposed changes that we hope you will share with your tenants. In the meantime, if you have any questions or comments, please contact us:

Linda on 07967 342436 or

Yvonne on 07867 974659 or