Brandon Lewis has ruled out new gas access powers for HAs. The government has decided against allowing housing associations the same powers as councils to access a property within 24 hours of a tenant refusing entry.
Inside Housing have comprehensively covered this issue – heer are some parts of the debate:
The Gas Access Campaign, spearheaded by Home Group and backed by more than 200 organisations, had called for the change.
Mr Lewis has written to Home Group to explain why he is not in favour of a lawchange. A Department for Communities and Local Government spokesperson said: “There is little to justify granting a significant new power of entry, when the vast majority of tenants already grant access for annual checks.”
Landlords are required to carry out gas checks on properties every 12 months.
“Councils can obtain a warrant to gain swift access to a property where a tenant refuses access, but associations’ only option is to serve an injunction, which is more costly and time-consuming. The current laws, which Home Group estimates are costing landlords £500m over 10 years, also mean associations have to carry out checks more regularly than every 12 months to ensure they comply.
The Gas Access Campaign has, however, persuaded the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to consider a new ‘MOT-style’ system for gas safety checks. This means, for example, if a check is carried out a month early, another check is then not required for 13 months.”