There were 78,930 households living in temporary accommodation between October and December 2017.

Out of these households 60,520 had children.

There were 16% of households who spent longer than six months in temporary accommodation. It is illegal to keep families in temporary accommodation with shared facilities for longer than six weeks.

In 2011, 48,920 households in temporary accommodation.



The UK’s homelessness minister has told the Guardian that she does not know why the number of rough sleepers has increased so significantly in recent years. Heather Wheeler said she did not accept the suggestion that welfare reforms and council cuts had contributed to the rise.

On a visit to a housing project in Glasgow, Wheeler said she remained “totally confident” she would not have to act on her pledge to resign should she fail to meet the Conservative manifesto commitment of halving rough sleeping by 2022, and eradicating it by 2027. “We’re going to move heaven and earth to get that done,” she promised.