Orbit Heart of England has teamed up with Business in the Community to deliver a programme for the first time in Coventry called ‘Ready for Work’.

According to Housing news:

The project, which is funded by Orbit, is aimed at supporting people who are long term unemployed, have a criminal conviction, are homeless or are at risk of homelessness get into work.

The voluntary project provides a two week work placement with a business member of Business in the Community and on-going job search support. In the past well known national companies such as Marks and Spencer, Argos, Royal Mail and Homebase have taken part.

Each person involved in the programme will receive two days’ pre-placement training, a placement buddy and ongoing support to find a job when they have completed their two weeks of work experience.

The first programme will be starting on Wednesday 28 January. Three further programmes will be delivered in April, June and September.
