Notes from Tenant Panels 2017 – tenant ideas on health and safety on 29th November 2017.

First as an attachment below and then further below – the notes in text format:

TP17 29 Nov 2017

Advanced date for your diary – Housing and Safety Policy and Practice Unconference on Wednesday 28th Feb 2018

Keep an eye on this link for more information:

Events & Training

Thanks to one and all for your ideas – here they are in all their glory of partnership working between landlords and tenants:

7th National Tenant Panel Conference

Focusing on the voice of our customers – Innovation, efficiency and effectiveness

Wednesday 29th November 2017, The Principal Hotel, Station Rd, York


Flip Chart Notes:

Ideas from Tenant Consultation on Health and Safety matters


We set 4 questions for involved tenants the same questions were worked on over 3-4 tables.

There were 15 tables and over 100 delegates participated.

  1. How can you help your landlord to make tenants feel safe(r)?
  2. How can you support your landlord to communicate expectations of tenants on safety?
  3. What information do you need from your landlord about safety in your home/estate/neighbourhood?
  4. Top tips on sharing your concerns, ideas and solutions with your landlord


Top 15 ideas first, followed by the notes of the debates on tables

Top 15 – in table order:

  1. Blocks or street champions – like Nottingham City Homes
  2. Be observant and aware – be clear how you need to report hazards and how to report – publish costs
  3. Be safe, clarify and consult on what this means to tenants as there will be different expectations and definitions
  4. Get tenants to get involved in scrutinising compliance actions
  5. How can we be more strategic – link the tenants to the health and safety officer – be clear on different circumstances between different types of home
  6. Do campaigns, like we have done on gas safety – can we name and shame like ASB? Can we fit carbon Monoxide alarms – where the landlord acquires them cheaper and the tenants pays? Discount passed on to tenants
  7. Look at how information is presented by landlords – check the literature is understood – can landlords design a standard template which is helpful for tenants and can this work across landlords?
  8. A Facebook page, without other corporate messages on – like Your Homes Newcastle – where tenants debate the issues on line
  9. Education from the landlord – how appliances can be maintained and how fires can be prevented
  10. Tenants role – raise awareness of this – can PAT testing be done for tenant own appliances at a cost to the tenant (service charge?)
  11. Publish safety information, outside and after the sign up process
  12. Train community leads to pick up neighbourhood issues and to walk around estates reporting matters found
  13. Review the green warden and other similar services where tenants volunteer – can they find communal hazards and report back on these?
  14. Monthly appointments and embed in the involvement roles to make appointments on involvement and collect information
  15. Hoarder concerns – bigger problem than we think – can we report these matters at Tenant Panel meetings and discuss solutions with them? Raise more awareness as part of tenant engagement


Detail of table discussions (in no particular order, just by heading)

1            How can you help your landlord to make tenants feel safe(r)?



1            Communication

2            Observation




  1. How can you support to communicate your expectations of tenants?

Making use of different forms of communication




3     What information do you need from your landlord about safety in your home, estate or neighbourhood?

Table – Appliances






Tenancy Agreements – They a given – How can we go further?

H&S – how is the information presented?


4            Top tips on sharing your concerns, ideas and solutions with your landlord




This was a key issue – hoarding, risk assessments, role of Fire Service, enforcing Landlord responsibility.


Yvonne Davies 

30th November 2017