Wirral Partnership Homes and their Advisory and Scrutiny Panel held their co-regulatory champions event on 7th July 2011 at the Villages Hotel in Bromborough.


Over 70 people from many different organisations, mostly tenants, attended the event. Linda helped the panel to set up and mentored them in their first twelve months, and was pleased to be asked to attend and speak at the event.


It was a hugely successful day, with delegates welcoming the insight that ASP and WPH gave about their journey to date and the many opportunities to ask questions and network. Here are just a few of the very positive comments made by delegates:


“A fab day, very personal approach…inspiring. Thank you for the invite. I wish you continued success and we will use your knowledge to to progress our journey.”


“I have enjoyed this event more than any others I have attended due to the ‘real’ views and hints offered by members of the ASP group. I have also appreciated the joint working relationship displayed and can see how integral this is to success.”


“Thank you for the event..lots of time to ask questions, which is much appreciated….thought you got it spot on.”


Linda said, “ASP and WPH have put a great deal of time and effort into setting up and developing their scrutiny arrangements. I am proud to have been involved in their journey and congratulate them on the outcomes they are already achieving for tenants of WPH. Their event was really well organised and offered plenty of opportunities for delegates to participate. I thoroughly enjoyed the day – well done ASP and WPH!”


Also, at the event ASP launched a booklet they had written, which passes on their practical hints and tips for anyone who has is setting up scrutiny arrangements. For more information, please contact Lorraine Anderson at WPH (lorraineanderson@wphomes.org.uk)