Seven political parties were awarded nearly £2m in public money in 2012-13 to develop polices, according to figures released by Electoral Commission and as reported today in LG News

The funding is awarded to political parties to develop policies to include in their election manifestos. The total granted in the last financial year was £1,922,933, with Labour and the liberal democrats each granted £455,193.

The conservative and unionist party was also awarded £397,097 in 2012-13.

Policy development grants paid for financial year 2012-13:

Conservative and Unionist Party – £397,097
Democratic Unionist Party – £136,816
Labour Party – £455,193
Liberal Democrats – £455,193
Plaid Cymru – – £151,509
Scottish National Party (SNP) – £171,337
SDLP (Social Democratic & Labour Party) – £155,788