Congratulations to the Scrutiny Partnerhips between landlords and tenants – Soha Housing in Oxfordshire and Salix Homes in Salford for being the first 2 landlords to acheive our GOLD Accreditation award.
There were so many good things about the Customer Senate at Salix, here are just some of their outcomes to date:
- Bringing the call centre into Salix Homes, making savings and shaping the new service
- Review of Customer Involvement, reducing the structure, making it more efficient and fit for the future
- Bringing the anti-social behaviour service into Salix Homes, making savings and shaping the new service for customers
- Improving the system for complaints and creating a new tenant panel to prepare for the democratic filter
- Reviewing and improving repair appointments
- Improvements and savings to the out of hours response service, locating it into Salix Homes and bringing 6 flats back into rented accommodation.
- Review of communications and customer feedback between customers, the Senate and Salix Homes and Vice Versa.
- Reviewing service standards to reduce the number and make all things measurable
Salix and Customer Senate – Summary report
We were very impressed by the range of ways tenants can scrutinise Soha and the commitment to tenant empowerment that runs right through Soha, both of which are producing positive outcomes for customers, including:
- Raising awareness of what Soha can do to tackle ASB resulted in more tenants reporting ASB
- Soha has improved its contact with ASB complainants whilst cases are ongoing and this has resulted in improved customer satisfaction
- Changes to the way repairs satisfaction surveys are carried out has resulted in increased feedback from tenants to inform service improvements
- Local Offers are now called ‘New Services’ as a result of customer feedback captured through a review of local offers
- te introduction of new mechanisms for rapid consultation in relation to national changes following a review of Soha’s response to changes in housing regulation
- Development of an action plan to communicate key messages to tenants about the Government’s plans for tenancy and rent reform
- Changes to out of hours call handling arrangements and provision of additional customer care training
Soha and Tenant Co-Regulation Groups – Summary report
Moderation for scrutiny awards is done by tenants and landlords who excel in scrutiny and empowerment. We would like to thank our membership, the Resident Involvement Network Group and Co regulatory Champions for helping us shape this accreditation framework based on scrutiny and empowerment outcomes.
The GOLD award winners are over the moon with their award:
Soha and Salix strike Gold for their scrutiny work