Suggested Courses
Popular Training Courses for Scrutiny and Involved Customer Groups. All courses are one day, usually 10am to 3pm, on on line webinar or zoom style for 2-3 hours to meet the client wishes. have a look and if you cant find what you want – just ask us.
Here is a list of recent popular courses
and here are some more we have delivered…..
- Where to find facts and how to scrutinise them
- Assessing service strengths and area for improvement – making balanced judgements
- Scrutinising performance and benchmarking data
- Equality and Diversity, involving and engaging with local representative groups
- Report writing and practice
- Presentation skills and practice
- Co-regulation – what is expected of involved customers and landlords under Regulation and Localism
- The Big picture: Where does housing services fit with Government priorities and what Is happening in related fields of social care, planning and house building
- Interviewing skills – holding 121 and group discussions with experts, staff and tenants
- Mystery Shopping, tenant surveys and reality checking services
- Negotiating and influencing skills
- Complaints and feedback forms – what to look for, what to analyse and how to approach this scrutiny
- Researching and viewing good practice
- Managing meetings
- Writing newsletters people want to read
- Project and event management techniques
- Communications and Relationship Management between Customer Groups and with your landlord
- Effective action plans – what to look for and how to review progress
- Managing budgets and grant funding
- Choosing an area for scrutiny or service review and scoping the project
- Value for money – what is it, what does my landlord need to do and how can I help?
- Appraisals for residents – different approaches
- Complaints changes under Localism and the role of designated persons
- Different roles for tenants in complaints management and stakeholder management
- Shall we have an internal or external Tenant complaints panel?
- Data Protection and confidentiality
- Pulling together project findings and reporting on these
- Recruiting newly involved volunteers – taster sessions
- Governance -Different roles of tenants working with the Board/Council Committee
- Role descriptors and positions on involved residents groups
- Social Housing Regulation and co-regulation – what is expected from landlords?
- Election of chair., vice chair, coordinators and other positions on committees and best practices
- An introduction to scrutiny, the skills you need to learn and what is involved
- Building a team of involved customers
- Reviewing your customer engagement
- Advanced Scrutiny – deeper diving and polishing your skills
- Scoping a service review and planning to deliver to a timetable
- Partnership Working across all customer groups for mutual interest and without duplication
- New groups – what is our purpose and how will we achieve this
- Tenant Cashback – how to set up your pilot
- Complaints – Internal tenant Panels – best practice
- Complaints – staff training
- Complaints – Designated Panels – forming a plan
- Designated Panels – skills training for new tenant groups
- Designated persons – role of Councillors and MPs
- Chairing skills and skills for other tenant groups
- Cross landlord shared services and skills for tenant involvement