Informing tenants about Welfare Reform
Here is a useful guide to what you need to inform tenants about on Welfare reform from the CIH How do I tell tenants…
Buy back in London Councils
Here are 2 new inititiaves to bring to your attention this week: Southwark will offer to buy back council properties where leaseholders cannot afford…
Superfast broadband for the whole community
Councils in Liverpool have signed a £15.9m contract with BT to provide superfast broadband to around 43,000 businesses and homes. The deal between Merseyside…
High Court Ruling on Benefit Cap expected within a month
The High Court will decide whether the government’s benefit cap regime breaches the human rights of the vulnerable ‘within a month’, after a legal…
Could you live on £45 a week?
Could I live on just £45 a week? This is the question he asked myself last week as he listened to George Osborne’s announcement…
Judge finds bedroom tax is a breach of human rights for disabled person
Applying the bedroom tax to a couple who cannot share a room because of one partner’s disability is a breach of their human rights,…
16 recommendations to tackle poverty and inequality
A report which was launched on Monday sets out 16 recommendations for tackling poverty and inequality in a east London borough. Time to Act by…
Challenges on benefit caps reach the high court
Three children and their mothers will challenge the government’s ‘irrational and discriminatory’ benefit caps in the High Court today. The lone parent families are…
Real Life reforms – the impact of Welfare Reform (Report 1)
Nearly two thirds of households in Real Life Reform’s study on the impact of the government’s welfare reforms have less than £10 per week to live…
51% of tenants unable to pay their rent – April to June 2013
A survey of 51 English housing associations by the National Housing Federation reveals 51 per cent of tenants affected were not able to pay…