Tips on handling pay for Board Members
A recent report in Inside Housing suggested that the Board Members of Gallions Housing Association could be liable to pay back up to £250,000…
New toolkit for Council Governance
A new toolkit has been launched to help councils change their governance arrangements to become more accountable and transparent. Rethinking governance: practical steps for…
Town Hall Transparency Code introduced as law
All councils with annual gross incomes of more than £6.5m must sign up to a legally binding transparency code, communities secretary Eric Pickles has…
Stock Transfer Guidance
The government consulted on the future of the stock transfer programme from June to September 2013; and in November 2013 issued the results of that…
Guidance – completing the VFM statement due to the regulator very soon!
The published guidance is in 3 places and there is not much of it, but its a regulatory requirement. What there is can be found…
Code of Governance for voluntary and community sector
Good Governance: A Code for the Voluntary and Community sector (the Code) second edition is now available. It sets out best practice for governing…
Board member pay
Sector guidelines on board pay no longer reflect the needs of social landlords, a housing association criticised for hiking salaries has claimed. Bedfordshire Pilgrims Housing…
HAs downgraded by the regulator
A chief executive was awarded a £276,000 payout upon his retirement in an unusual arrangement which today led to his former association’s governance rating…
Do or die questions to ask about technology
I came across this from the Chair of the Board at Blackburne House, where i am a non exec director I think its a…
Example Role Descriptions for Involved Tenants
Here are some examples which will provide you with a base for amendment for your own needs: Role description of Chair Role description of…