Zurich and Solace – risk report
Zurich Municipal together with SOLACE published its annual Senior Managers Risk Report. The report focuses on the public image of local authorities and their…
Sector Risk Profile
Here is the latest risk profile form the HCA. It picks up some issues following Grenfell on H&S in the consumer standard, but also…
Grenfell Tower fire tragedy – some views brought togather
Here is a round up of the debate as 120 tower blocks tested so far have all failed the safety test based on cladding…
HCA calls for proper consultation on disposals and change in management
The HCA is calling HAs to properly consult tenants before disposing of properties or making a change in management, after warning some have not been…
HCA critisises BHA for failing to manage risk
Broadacres Housing Association (BHA) was downgraded to a non-compliant G3 this morning, after the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) slammed its board for failing…
January Equality briefing
Recruitment is about to start for the HDN Board Mentoring programme for 2017 as this one comes to a close. More information here at: www.housingdiversitynetwork.co.uk/mentoring/board-mentoring…
General support for a VFM scorecard for HAs to measure efficiency
A pilot of a scorecard to measure the efficiency of social housing landlords has been launched today, with government and sector-wide backing. The scorecard…
Governance and devolution
This excellent CfPS pulication explores some of the common challenges around governance and devolution and how a number of areas have tried to resolve…
Centre for Public Scrutiny annual conference
Here is the summary from the CfPS newsletter and presentations which will be useful for you: “In December the Centre for Public Scrutiny hosted…
Role of Boards and Committees in governing culture
What roles do your board and your main board committees play in shaping and monitoring your organisation’s culture? What questions should they be asking…