International lessons housing finance and land supply
Two new reports from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation investigate the scope for housing in England to learn from across the UK and internationally in…
Converting offices to homes
The government has formally announced the introduction of new planning rights that will allow offices to be converted into housing without the need for…
Places we want to live
Grainia Long is chief executive of the Chartered Institute of Housing Partnerships between the professions add value: Housing management professionals working more closely with…
Think tank report on UK’s 64 largest cities
Now in its sixth year, this is an authoritative economic index of the 64 largest cities and towns in the UK. The findings this year…
Independant panel to review development restictions
An independent panel is to undertake a housing standards review into development restrictions, communities minister Don Foster has announced. As part of the Government’s…
RIBA repost calls for more housebuilding
The Commission’s report, Building the Homes and communities Britain needs, says that a revolution would not need additional government funding and would require just…
Real Estate Investment Trusts
There are not enough homes for people to live in.. Many tenants are interested in scrutinising the landlords abaility to build new homes to help local people.…
Young People and their housing prospects
In an excellent report, we consider future housing prospects fo Young People Thanks to JRF for yet another insightful report young-people-housing-options-full_0 …
Home Ownership
Its becoming more difficult to get access to a home which you own The have produced these briefs to help us all understand HO…