What are you trying to find out about?
Here is a handy guide from CIH to support your research: This briefing is aimed at people working in housing who need to carry…
Low income families and home purchase
The Social Mobility Commission, an advisory body to the government, concluded that low-cost homeownership schemes are “unlikely to increase ownership among low-income groups”. Drawing…
Shared ownership Charter
Housing organisations are being urged to sign up to a new charter on shared ownership developed by CIH and the National Housing Group. The…
One Public Estate – round up
One Public estate is a useful site of good practice and case studies sponsored by government and the LGA. www.local.gov.uk/topics/housing-and-planning/one-public-estate The One Public Estate…
IPPR – solving the housing crisis
The housing market is broken. That was the stark conclusion of Theresa May in introducing the government’s white paper on housing in February 2017.…
Northern Housing Consortium – priorities for the north
The Northern Housing Consortium has developed Priorities for Housing in the North alongside our members to build on the success of the Commission for Housing…
Naylor Review- could we have an NHS owned HA?
Theresa May endorsed a review that urged the mass sale of NHS land for housing development and floated the creation of an NHS-owned housing…
LAs must have Local Plans for November 2018 or face consequences
Failing to set up Local Plans could expose almost two-thirds of English councils to new government measures encouraging housing delivery, a new report claims.…
CIH has launched a part in research – great news
The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) will be part of a new collaborative research centre for the challenges facing housing in the UK. The…
Office to residential conversions
The government will make it easier for councils to police office-to-residential conversions if they can demonstrate they are delivering on their housing targets. Lord…