Housing in the north
Here is an important report for us northerners! The NHC Commission for Housing in the North has released its full report: A New Framework…
Latest update Housing and Planning Act
Here is a useful summary of where we are from the CIH: SEpt 2016 need-to-know-about-the-housing-and-planning-act-2016…
HCA warns of need to protect consumers and limit risk under deregulation
The social housing regulator has warned that housing associations risk damaging the reputation of the sector if they sell stock inhabited by social tenants.…
RIBA – 20 point plan
The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has designs on the housing crisis – drawing up a 20 point plan to pitch solutions: Housing…
Garden villages
Inside Housing surveyed 219 English councils to find out how many bids had been submitted to government and received 74 responses, with 61 confirming…
Tranforming neighbourhoods
The government intending to make £140 million of loan funding available to kick-start the transformation of 100 estates. CIH published with Poplar HARCA and Sheffield Hallam…
6 in 10 councils have no local plan
Six in 10 English councils still do not have an up-to-date adopted Local Plan, just eight months before a key deadline. local-plans-adoption According to…
Investing in Council House Building
A plan with potential to build more than 500,000 new homes over thirty years has been undermined by successive government policies, a new report…
Starter Homes consultation
This is the CIH view on starter homes whi hit submitted to the government: Starter homes technical consultation – CIH response May 2016…
Over 50s renting on the rise
New research from Saga Home Insurance shows the number of over 50s renting has risen sharply in the last five years. Accoridng to an…