Linking governance with value and financial performance
Here is a report from Grant Thornton, sharing experience Grant Thornton tell us how they have reviewed over a number of years the work of…
Consultation on no fault evictions
This government consultation on section 21 removal (no fault evictions) closes early Oct. The consultation can be found here.…
Consumer regulatory Standards review 2018-19
Here is the review . It includes case studies and key messages for reporting breaches of consumer regulation, assurance through governance of compliance and…
Scrutiny.Net 3rd July 2019
Here is the agenda Agenda Scrutiny.Net GPHG 3.7.19. docx Here are the presentations Consumer regulation Consumer regulation and Hackitt – where are we Yvonne…
Big society – access to community information and grants update – April 2019
Here is the update from the government in April 2019: Contents New Youth Charter to support young people across the country Social Investment Tax…
A bit of Future Gazing
Here are 2 reports worth a nose on this subject, for businesses and for communities: Ebook – 2019 Community Predictions Altair_Future_Gazing_Report_2019_online…
Scrutiny.net, 2nd April 2019
Thanks to Torus for hosting. We had a busy agenda as always and a guest from the NHF. Here are the notes of the…
New rents and guidance from 2020
This document reports the outcome of the consultation on a proposed direction to the Regulator of Social Housing (‘the Regulator’) on social housing rents…
Outcomes from recent housing consultation
Here is a list with links of the latest information to come out of MHCLG: Rents for social housing from 2020-21 26 February 2019…
Showing off your engagement projects
Here is a useful document on promoting your engagement from our friends at Bang the Table: 50-Ways-to-Promote-Your-Engagement-Project …