Older persons accommodation and support
Check out this website if you are a manager or a tenant of older persons housing. There is some really useful thinking here: www.ageing-better.org.uk/publications…
Universal Credit implementation
The Northern Housing Consortium’s Impact of Universal Credit – The Frontline Perspective report is the culmination of a year-long study that draws on the results of four surveys…
CIH Ireland and Northern Ireland award winners 2018
The CIH Housing Awards recognises the best housing projects across Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The full list of winners at this…
Home Group appoint a doctor to support vulnerable tenants
Housing association Home Group has hired medical practitioners to support its vulnerable tenants and ease the pressure on the health service. Hospitals are running…
Combined authority scrutiny
This report is a useful summary on where the new mayoral joint authorities have got to, 6 months on, from CFpS 2018-01-05-ca-scrutiny-report Sign up…
Scrutiny, north of the border
Here is some useful documentation about scrutiny in Scotland. All downloadable from the CIH website: Scrutiny Guide Complete FINAL Steppingup_practice_finalreportFINAL Scrutiny Guide Complete FINAL…
Big Society funding news – Feb 2018
Civil Society Strategy: Engagement Exercise Launch Office for Civil Society (OCS) updates: VCSE Crown Representative The Full-Time Social Action review Crowdfunding Public Infrastructure…
Suggestions for re-empowerment in the North
IPPRs latest publication in its suggestions for doing things differently suggests: “We should hear ‘take back control’ for what it is: a broader political…
Notice and appointment of Board Members for HA – regulation
The regulator has appointed new board members for the association. It placed First Priority Housing Association (FPHA) under review in January and has now…
Community development
Here is the latest publication from our Canadian cousins. You can subscribe to their site www.vanillaforums.com/en/ 9 ideas on keeping your community content fresh: Vanilla…