Private landlords to check immigration status of new tenants
The coalition yesterday introduced the Immigration Bill into the House of Commons. The government says that the Bill will make it: easier to identify illegal immigrants…
Government announpces suport from Smart Cities Forum
A Smart Cities Forum is to help the UK’s metropolitan hubs harness intelligent technology, the Government has announced to LG News Chaired by universities…
Award winners for shared services
Successful joints bidders include county councils such as Surrey and East Sussex, single unitary authorities such as Bath and North East Somerset and Swindon…
Superfast broadband for the whole community
Councils in Liverpool have signed a £15.9m contract with BT to provide superfast broadband to around 43,000 businesses and homes. The deal between Merseyside…
Adult Social Care – not fit for purpose – according to new report
The adult social care system is ‘unfit for purpose’ and ‘fundamentally broken’ a report has warned today. As the care bill returns to the…
What can Housing Providers learn from valued led businesses
Profiting from values? What can housing associations learn from independent, values led business? In a changing economic and regulatory environment housing associations face considerable…
Social Housing Statistics
Last week the Department for Communities and Local Government published statistics on social lettings in England during 2012/13. Social Housing Statistics They are of…
parliamentary briefing
Here is the weekly round up from the Guardian parliamentarybriefingoct10 The prime minster responding to a question on mortgages, a written statements from Eric…
Governance probe into Cosmopolitan HA difficulties
The housing regulator has published details of its plans to commission an in the independent review of the Cosmopolitan Housing Group case. As revealed…
Government considers cap on charges for leaseholder repairs
The amount councils can charge private leaseholders for repairing ex-council buildings will be capped under new proposals announced by communities secretary, Eric Pickles in…