Rumour about prayer rooms and bedroom tax – its wrong!
The NHF have published the following note on their linked in site: We’ve been alerted on Facebook to a rumour circulating about designating bedrooms…
Top 50 influencers in housing
24 dash has published its top 50 power players This time around we have a new figure at the top of the list: National…
Latest equality news
Here is the monthly briefing on equality news from HDN ebriefing-april-2013 …
2 different mortgage tax reliefs explained
It has been a while since UK taxpayers could obtain tax relief for mortgage interest payments. The MIRAS arrangement, where tax relief at the basic rate…
New report on full impact of welfare reforms
The research was jointly funded by Sheffield Hallam, the Scottish Parliament and the Financial Times, and it shows that once welfare reforms are fully…
Change in Health system – Health Think Tank critisisms
Government ambitions to introduce integrated care are at risk because the Department of Health allocates money to clinical commissioning groups and local authorities in…
New Public Health Toolkit launched
The Department of Health has published a new toolkit to help councils get local businesses involved with promoting public health. The toolkit includes information…
Study into participatory budgeting
This study was completed through researching and speaking to a number of agencies, including myself when I was at the NHF for a couple…
Homelessness and Allocations advice
As the Government closes down homeless advice services, you might find this useful briefing from one of the team who have helped LAs improve…
Self assessment for Supported Housing
In September 2010 the National Development Team for inclusion (NDTi) in England published The Real Tenancy Test as part of a Department of Health…