Increase in Council Tax payments for those on benefits
Three-quarters of councils in England will demand increased council tax payments from the poorest households from 1 April. Research by think tank the Resolution…
Converting offices to homes
The government has formally announced the introduction of new planning rights that will allow offices to be converted into housing without the need for…
Places we want to live
Grainia Long is chief executive of the Chartered Institute of Housing Partnerships between the professions add value: Housing management professionals working more closely with…
Latest news on Equality and DNA from HDN
Here is the HDN newsletter for the winter 2013, including news on interesting seminars coming soon HDN ebriefing-january-2013 …
Parilamentary round up
Here is the latest round up from the guardian and their notes from parliamentary debate on the private rented sector. Yesterday ministers and MPs…
Discretionary Payments
These payments might be used to help those at risk under welfare reform – for example, it might provide some protection from the early effects of …
How to assess tenancy fraud
This useful guide from the CIH will be helpful Assessing your risk from tenancy fraud…
Winners of the stonewall Workplace Equality Index
A fifth of the 100 companies deemed the best places for gay and bisexual people to work are part of the housing sector. Gentoo…
Report – the cost of troubled families
The Department for Communities and Local Government has published a report benchmarking the financial cost of troubled families to local authorities and their partners.The…
Can faith based community groups help deliver VFM?
Councils should put their faith in community-based religious groups to deliver value for money public services, a leading think tank has urged. According to…