What you could ask when recruiting tenants for involvement?
Many are re recruiting to tenant scrutiny groups, to bolster opportunities to get more tenants involved. We hope you find this useful. SEP examples…
Tips from the 10 co-reg champions
This short guide has been produced by the 10 TSA co-regulatory champions, from their work as TSA pilots as is to be puiblished as…
How to deliver VFM
How_to_deliver_VFM Its important and its going to be a focus for TSA regulation this year. this report from the CiH is useful background and gives…
Does size matter?
Are bigger associations delivering better quality and value for money from residents? Not according to this report Does size matter…
Tenure Reform Practical Implications
More useful information from the CiH on Fixed Term Tenancies Practical Implications of Tenure Reform – Jan 2012 …
Update on Policy consultations
It hard to keep up, so this might help (Feb 2012) Policy Doc Consultations NA…
How to develop your Tenancy Policy
Are you working on a new tenancy policy in the light of fixed term tenancies? Don’t forget to check what your Local Authority is…
How to manage your ASB cases
Hello everyone, you mgiht find these challenges useful if you are reviewing your work on ASB How_to_Manage_ASB_cases_effectively…
Repairs and Maintenance – What’s happening?
The CIH has produced this useful guide on the latest thinking and good practice in repairs and maintenance Housing Practice Repairs and maintenance Dec…
Underoccupation Strategies
With changes in Welfare benefits and the pottential for a bedroom tax to reduce housing benefit income for underutilised space, what are you doing…