North West Diversity Conference – the latest news
Yvonne led a workshop on Customer Insight at the fabulous landlord led conference for Housing Diversity Network members Is your organisation geared up to:…
Presentation to NHF Board Members on National Housing Policies
Here is the presentation which Yvonne delivered to the NHF North West Board Members Conference on 19th October 2012 NW NHF Board Member Conference…
What skills would help tenants involved in scrutiny?
Of course, we do training and consultancy that could deliver these skills, but many skills are also available from “in house” staff. We hope you…
£100 Million Empty Property Fund Now Open To Charities and Community Groups
Press Release CLG Minister Andrew Stunell announced this week that community groups andcharities can now bid for part of the existing £100m innovation fund…
Scrutiny – Advanced Training- 14th September 2011
Linda delivered a workshop at the Working Together Partnership for tenants of Greater Manchester Landlords today The speech included good practice and food for…
Scrutiny, Complaints, Tenant Cashback – the principles and the practice
Yvonne gave the keynote speech today to tenants across Manchester at the “Working Together Partnership” in Oldham. A copy of her speech is attached…
SEP Newsletter – Autumn 2011
Our latest newsletter for members is available by clicking the link SEP – Autumn Newsletter 2011 When you do this, you will find articles…
Interviewing officers and setting them at ease
Here is a template you might wish to borrow and amend for your own use Staff interview template It is tried and tested over…
Diversity, co regulation and self regulation
In the new co-regulatory approach, what should landlords and tenants be doing to help the most vulnerable customers? How about setting up a specific…
Green Square Group – Scrutiny Panel
Green Square group hints and tips on scrutiny The Story so far presentation GREENSQUARE…