Teign Housing Scrutiny Panel
Teign staff and tenants spoke about how they set up and support scrutiny Panel at our Poole conference on 15th July Teign Housing Slides…
Resident Inspectors at Sentinel HA
Sentinel were congratulated by the TSA for their work on inspecting local offers. Here is what they had to say at our Poole conference…
Mystery shopping and Tenant Inspection – Website Review
We have proformas for checking all sorts of services in lots of different ways and we also provide tenant and staff training in this…
Structures for tenant involvement
NHC SEP Scrutiny Champions – July 2011 Are you struggling with how your existing involvement structures and your Scrutiny Panel fit and complement…
Wirral Partnership Homes & Advisory and Scrutiny Panel, Co-regulatory Champions
Wirral Partnership Homes and the Advisory and Scrutiny Panel spoke about their journey, successes and learning points at our Liverpool conference in March 2011.WPH…
Amicus Horizon, Co-Regulatory Champions
AmicusHorizon shared their experience and provided top tips at our scrutiny conference in Norwich, 8th June 2011.…
Community Gateway, Co-Regulatory Champions
Preston Community Gateway Scrutiny Panel hints and tips, Effective Scrutiny Conference, Liverpool, March 2011…
Helena Partnerships, Co-Regulatory Champions
Helena Partnerships and Customer Excellence Panel presentation from our London Scrutiny Conference, 7th June 2011.…
Soha, Co-regulatory Champions
Soha‘s slides from SEP conference, Liverpool, March 2011…
Co-regulatory Structures – Good Practice Examples