The Autumn Statement – Comprehensive Spending Review
Theer have been a number of different perpsectives on this, mainly positive, but that may be because we braced oursleves for some more bad…
Councils start to abandon CBL
Two councils have confirmed they are scrapping their choice-based lettings (CBL) systems due to concerns about use of resources. This is in addition to…
Universal credit for landlords
Many social landlords are still dealing with relatively small universal credit (UC) caseloads, and so their understanding and methods of working with it are…
DCLG produces Neighbourhood Planning Factsheets
DCLG i have produced the folloing fact sheets to support the Neighbourhood Planning Bill through parliament www.gov.uk/government/publications/neighbourhood-planning-bill-policy-factsheets…
Closer to Home – mayoral powers
We need a new devolution deal on housing – one that empowers combined authorities to act on the housing opportunities, challenges and requirements of…
Research into impact of benefit cap change
New research by CIH has shown the new benefit cap could hit 116,000 families across Great Britain. CIH analysis of the impact of the…
14 HAs bonds are eligable for BoE corporate buying programme
Bonds issued by 14 housing associations have been deemed eligible for the Bank of England’s £10bn corporate bond-buying programme, potentially giving the sector a…
living Homes Standard – launched by Shelter
Shelter has s launched a ‘Living Home Standard’ to measure the acceptability of housing across all tenures. http://www.shelter.org.uk/livinghomestandard Shelter today published the new standard,…
40 years of struggle – disparity for BME communities
A report commissioned by BME National – a body of 60 social landlords specialising in housing for black and ethnic minority (BME) groups –…
Richmond to build affordable developments using offsite construction
RHP has applied to build the first in a series of developments for affordable rent without subsidy using offsite construction. Richmond Housing Partnership (RHP) will…