See the Person – “It’s not Ok” campaign to prevent stigma in social housing
The Guide explores the ways in which housing professionals and housing providers can create or reinforce stigma through language, behaviour and service delivery. The…
Big Society – 3rd sector funding – Oct 2020
Here is the monthly news from the Office of Civil Society Contents: What the new local COVID alert levels in England mean Updated Advice for Clinically…
Housing Ombudsman reports on Leaseholders concerns
The Housing Ombudsman has shared insight into handling almost 2,000 complaints from leaseholders and shared owners over the last two years. These resulted in more than 800…
Complaints Index
Using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Inside Housing Magazine have gathered information about every single determination issued by the Housing Ombudsman in the…
National Housing Federation – Code of Governance – summary of planned changes
Housing Associations (and all Registered Providers – RPs) have is an expectation for you to meet the Regulator of Social Housing, seven Regulatory Standards.…
RSH Consumer Regulatory Review – Lessons learnt
The annual consumer regulation review explains how the Regulator of Social Housing has gone about implementing the legislation on consumer regulation. It includes case…
What does the Prospect judgement mean for lease-based HAs?
Prospect Board appointments Last week the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) made three statutory appointments to the Board of Prospect Housing Limited. Prospect is…
Supporting people with mental health difficulties
Here is a helpful guide to support tenants: Supporting-people-with-mental-health-problems Thanks to the CIH, this report will help tenants and communities to support eachother. …
Big Society – Third Sector funding update (Oct 2020)
Thanks to OCS for this update: Contents: Community Match Challenge Generates £170 Million For Charities’ Vital Work We’re recruiting! Covid-19 Volunteering Guidance: user testing…
Climate Change – what is coming?
There are a number of challenges, most notably including the replacement of heating systems run on gas and current fuels. This will be expensive…